a resting saturday
that's the only activities i have been doing for the whole saturday..i tried to open my eyes..but hehehe,once i started to read my textbook..my eyes getting sleepy =P...very usual of me
so i decided to go for sunset mass this evening instead of going to sunday mass.plus i wanna pray for the Pope, my church leader.
I have been following his news closely since he was admitted to hospital last feb.
even though i know he has parkinson's disease,i didn't expect he will be weakened so fast,his determination to continue on his papacy is very strong.
May the Lord's powers be with him...
he is the only pope i know and have heard all the great things he has done.i could say that he opens the catholic religion to the world...our religion often receives comment to be a secretive n old-fashioned bla bla..
For me who have been growing in catholic religion since childhood,
i never feel that how strict or old-fashioned is catholic, i enjoy doing all the religious practise and that's the way i find the strength to face the challenges in my life.
anyway, every one may has different opinions how to lead his/her religious life..so can't really force someone to follow the way you practise your religion
okay, back to my daily life
hue...just realise how long since i enjoyed myself and had fun
i missed several outings so far and ony attended one..my class outing..
but i really can't afford this semester..
when my friend asked whether i have finished all the projects n assignments and i replied .. one down,others are coming..
he couldn't believe- "how can you such unending series of works"...
hmm..i wish that i don't have it also...
but this semester i still try to catch up more modules,
so i can take less modules in my last year in uni..
...so i must suffer first before can "relax" later on..though not really relax..
coz no one can relax during the final year..hehehe
okay..i should go back to my study..or should i say..
trying to concentrate on my works...hehehe
~working endlessly
that's the only activities i have been doing for the whole saturday..i tried to open my eyes..but hehehe,once i started to read my textbook..my eyes getting sleepy =P...very usual of me
so i decided to go for sunset mass this evening instead of going to sunday mass.plus i wanna pray for the Pope, my church leader.
I have been following his news closely since he was admitted to hospital last feb.
even though i know he has parkinson's disease,i didn't expect he will be weakened so fast,his determination to continue on his papacy is very strong.
May the Lord's powers be with him...
he is the only pope i know and have heard all the great things he has done.i could say that he opens the catholic religion to the world...our religion often receives comment to be a secretive n old-fashioned bla bla..
For me who have been growing in catholic religion since childhood,
i never feel that how strict or old-fashioned is catholic, i enjoy doing all the religious practise and that's the way i find the strength to face the challenges in my life.
anyway, every one may has different opinions how to lead his/her religious life..so can't really force someone to follow the way you practise your religion
okay, back to my daily life
hue...just realise how long since i enjoyed myself and had fun
i missed several outings so far and ony attended one..my class outing..
but i really can't afford this semester..
when my friend asked whether i have finished all the projects n assignments and i replied .. one down,others are coming..
he couldn't believe- "how can you such unending series of works"...
hmm..i wish that i don't have it also...
but this semester i still try to catch up more modules,
so i can take less modules in my last year in uni..
...so i must suffer first before can "relax" later on..though not really relax..
coz no one can relax during the final year..hehehe
okay..i should go back to my study..or should i say..
trying to concentrate on my works...hehehe
~working endlessly
well, it's because you only experience Catholicism in your own place, which of course got mixed with your local habits (yeah go to church on Sunday, afterwards go watch some movie if you want to). While not so long ago the Catholics in Europe still had a total rest on Sunday, no shop is open, no movie, no cooking, no washing, not even stiching your worn-out clothes. Sunday is only for the church. Try to imagine quiet Sundays whole year long. And how about "No condoms" politic for Africa? You know that HIV is endemic there, and with or without condoms, they are going to have sex anyway. Sometimes the authorities of Catholic church are simply not down to earth, they just think of their morality without wanting to face the reality. The fact is that not everyone is a saint.
Anonymous, at April 05, 2005 10:15 AM
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