Saturation point
after weeks of struggling to keep my mind calm and cool despite the numerous amount of works which come continuously..
plus exam just around the corner..
i have reached my saturation point for studying....have tried to keep myself busy so that i won't have time to wonder what am i doing all this time..
but this morning i woke up feeling down...what is the point of me doing all these?
what i have been doing is just trying to catch up with the datelines..putting any crap if needed in my report/essay....have i learnt anything..
though i don't hate any modules that i am taking - finally - but it makes me to wonder again...will these modules help me in future jobs? or just for me to get a degree..what is the point of having flying marks if i don't really enjoy and feel any usefullness of them??
i know i should be grateful because i have the chance to study at university and got the course that i wanted..
just that after weeks of studying and typing reports/essay for almost the whole semester...i just feel that i need a break..
but a break at this time is almost impossible...if i wanna go out with my friends..who would be free...everyone is busy with his/her study...which i am supposed to be doing also..
argh....why i denied myself to have a break when i had the chance..and i only realise when it is too late...
if i look back to this semester...the last time, i was out just for fun without doing some stuff for the cca or modules was in long was that..
every time i was tempted to go out and just spend the whole day to go out..there was a hestitation in me and a feeling of guilty..and i suffer the consequences now..
feeling down and don't feel like to do anything..
i am tired of reading all the materials needed to write my reports/essays
tired to come for lecture and copying down any important details.
tired of sitting down in front of my computer to do my works...
i may be looked happy or at least not stressed from outside..
by the moment i stop doing something...the stress will just start pouring to my head..argh....
this is the last obstacle to finish the exams and to have a good break.. me to pass this one..
plus exam just around the corner..
i have reached my saturation point for studying....have tried to keep myself busy so that i won't have time to wonder what am i doing all this time..
but this morning i woke up feeling down...what is the point of me doing all these?
what i have been doing is just trying to catch up with the datelines..putting any crap if needed in my report/essay....have i learnt anything..
though i don't hate any modules that i am taking - finally - but it makes me to wonder again...will these modules help me in future jobs? or just for me to get a degree..what is the point of having flying marks if i don't really enjoy and feel any usefullness of them??
i know i should be grateful because i have the chance to study at university and got the course that i wanted..
just that after weeks of studying and typing reports/essay for almost the whole semester...i just feel that i need a break..
but a break at this time is almost impossible...if i wanna go out with my friends..who would be free...everyone is busy with his/her study...which i am supposed to be doing also..
argh....why i denied myself to have a break when i had the chance..and i only realise when it is too late...
if i look back to this semester...the last time, i was out just for fun without doing some stuff for the cca or modules was in long was that..
every time i was tempted to go out and just spend the whole day to go out..there was a hestitation in me and a feeling of guilty..and i suffer the consequences now..
feeling down and don't feel like to do anything..
i am tired of reading all the materials needed to write my reports/essays
tired to come for lecture and copying down any important details.
tired of sitting down in front of my computer to do my works...
i may be looked happy or at least not stressed from outside..
by the moment i stop doing something...the stress will just start pouring to my head..argh....
this is the last obstacle to finish the exams and to have a good break.. me to pass this one..
Happy birthday De'lapan... Miss you all :)
Anonymous, at November 06, 2005 10:28 AM
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illuminationis, at November 09, 2005 6:12 AM
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illuminationis, at November 09, 2005 6:14 AM
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