my inner space

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


huhehehe..supposed to be sleeping already..since i'm having my exam period now..but my eyes are wide open ..however my brain refuses to take in more info after one day of studying n was drained for my morning exams..
dancing..that will be the main topic of this post...hueheheh..

i just realise this evening when my friends asked whether i still continue my kabuki dance class..n the answer of course...yup..i am still doing kabuki dance though the practise has not been reguler for the past one month..

n then the question makes me realise...
do i ever really stop my dance class...or at least..never do dance at all..i remember when i started my first dance was back in primary one..
my sis joined earlier..n as usual i follow her steps everywhere...and so i joined the class..though in the end we were at different class...i belonged to the lower primary levels...n she joined the upper levels...i did my first dance performance in the following year..just a school performance..but i was super exited!! i was the only primary one gal..the other dancers were older than me....
yeay...i can wear the dance costume...*and all the other exitements* btw..the dance item was the betawi traditional dance (jakarta)..the following year..i did a few other performances..though they were not traditional dances..n few of them were for the school christmas celebration....

then...i moved to a traditional dance class..more professional level compared to the previous-it was just a dance class in my primary school...yeap..i learnt many dances - can't recall the number exactly..but at least 5/6 dances in one year - the dances are the one being performed by professional dancers.. i loved my dance class...i was very enthu everytime i went for the class..
putting on my sarung - all the gals must wear sarung wrapped around our bodies from the torso to the ankle/knee level..depending on the dance ---i am always fascinated by the balinese wonderful the arms movement..i did learn 2 or 3 balinese dances..but too bad..i would be never selected to do the perfomances...with my small eyes..i can't do the eyes matter how many times i tried in front the mirror...

there were other dances too...from different regions around indonesia fan dance from sulawesi....peacok dance from west java...panji semirang n pendet from bali..salman from aceh....tari piring from sumatra...n others..i love the dances...especially the costumes....however..i stopped the dance class after i went down with illness..
my parents gave me a choice...continue my dance class..or joing my sis for organ class...n again...this sister-follower....chose the one with her sis...
and so that's the end of my indo traditional dance class..

but..that's not the end of my dancing...hehehe..i remember...everytime i heard music that can make your body move..i just jumped and did any dance steps following the music...almost everyday..anytime i heard music...n the jump getting longer n higher.
till my dad decided to shift all the furniture close to the wall i had more space to jump n turn around..huehehehe....

n it continued on till i came to spore...
i didn't join the dance club in my new school..i was afraid that time because i never had any ballet background or similar dance...
i put my confidence when i moved to JC n did join the dance society.
yup..i love dance..but i am not the best dancer..sometimes my body can't move the way i want n often lose my balance - definitely can't be qualified for a dance master.anyway i did enjoy the dance class..though i found hard times..because we did a lot steps originated from ballet to compensate..i had to do strechting and all the ballet basic steps shape my body...
after 1 year of works..i got better..can do splits, the jumps were not that terrible..though u can't call it so graceful...or my pointe..i can't bend my feet as much as other i was part of the dance corps...never be the soloist...
nonetheless.i did learn new skills n happy with i did...

n finally in uni..
another type of dance...i wanted to join one of the dance clubs in NUS..there are a few of them ...with different styles..but then i think again..i did injured both knees, both ankles, both feet during my 2 year-dancing in JC..i am afraid i could not do all the steps perfectly...the kness definitely will give problems..theye are not strong enough to do jumps and grande jete which require the knee strength..
so i join another dance...which i never think i could be able to join..the KABUKI dance...okay..the one i did is not really called's called nihon's related closely to kabuki and often becomes part of the dances performed during a kabuki play...n one thing...if u ever see a geisha dancing...yup..that's nihon buyo..the same type of dance that i am doing now...

n yet..this semester i take another dance class...
hueheheehehe...the partner dance type...i have always wanted to join since i saw it the first time...n now i can do it..yeay.i take salsa class....with my friends who join earlier..i never do partner dance before..n never being paired up for my dance performance back in JC..because i am simply too heavy to be lifted up (the gal must be below 50kg)..
so so..what i did n i still do?? i lead the guy who is my partner..hahaha.. the gal supposed to be the follower..n i happily always try to lead the guy..

okay...that's dance story...huhehehe


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