my inner space

Saturday, April 30, 2005



gue dah beneran pengen banget pergi holidays.. mei lalu yg pas pergi ke KL n Genting tuh liburan terakhir.dan semester ini gue dah hampir gak pergi keluar gitu pas weekend..ampir tiap akhir minggu gue cuma semedhi di kamar dengan komputer gue...lab report, lab report dan projects...amit deh ...
n kayaknya si nita juga more or less gitu..makanya dia beneran niat juga pergi ke bintan kali... bahkan ampe bilang "willing to spend"..tumben2an tuh anak..biasanya dia kan nyari yg rada2 economical

bintan tuh sebenarnya deket dr singapore...cuma perlu ampe ferry in less than one hour dr tanah merah terminal.bintan kan letaknya sebelah batam - yg letaknya dibawah singapore...hahaha..binggung gak??
ini pic yg gambarin betapa dekatnya singapore and bintan. nah deket kan?? makanya gue gak heran kenapa banyak singapore couple demen ke bintan buat weekend coba ikutan ah ngerasain bintan tuh gimana..sekalian support pariwisata dalam negeri...hahaha...

so far gue dah berusaha nyari2 tempat yg cocok... yg cocok ama dana kita2 juga...hehehe
banyan tree is out..muahal neh...gak kuat deh...mungkin bisa bayar tempat tinggalnya.nah trus makannya?? kan gue perlu makannya juga. perut gue termasuk gede juga loh..jadi makannya pasti banyak dan kalo makan di resto bintang mulu..baru makan sekali bangkrut deh
trus ada yg cukup murah...2D1N accomodation n return-ferry ticket..kurang dari S$100. tapi kayaknya tempatnya rada kurang menyakinkan yah?? hmm....gue gak mo ambil resiko deh.mendingan nyari yg lebih mahal dikit dan lebih terjamin deh...

gue sih naksir ama yg bintan lagoon resort ato nirwana resort hotel.. yg murah tuh yg bintan lodge...mereka promosi kalo kita bisa masak sendiri di kitchen nya..tapi gue mana minat buat masak n nyuci2... kan pergi ke sono niatnya buat jalan2 n having relaxation...
trus yg villa2??? itu sih out deh..buset harga sewanya tuh dihitung pake USD..mana kuat.. gue pake SGD trus bayar buat USD...hohoho..bokek lah.. mungkin yg nirwana resort hotel is a better choice kali yah.. deket ama tempat makan...hahaha..gue emang niat nyari makanan ke sana.. moga2 ketemu tempat makan yg murah yah...=) .. kalo gak sakit hati juga tiap bayar makanan.
trus pengen spa juga...huhuhu...gak ada murah ooi.. banyak pengennya yah..tapi dananya neh....rada2 terbatas..namanya juga non-employed students...ini aja bisa pergi krn hasil ngiritan 2 semester.

gue mungkin bakal pulang setelah tgl 22 mei.demi bisa bareng2 ke bintan..
tapi baru inget gue cuma apply kamar ampe tgl 22 mei..setelah itu gue musti nebeng ke nita deh...
terpaksa..demi holidays ke bintan..moga2 gue bisa bertahan deh pas numpang ke kamar nita..karena lately tuh udaranya dah panas banget neh..pagi2 jam 8 pagi aja dah panas amit...gue baru jalan gak ada 5 menit aja dah keringatan gitu...

~longing for holidays...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

parents and children

love between parents and children should be one of the most beautiful love..
many people mention that parents' love is unconditionally..they love their children without any expection.while on the children's side.from young,we are taught to love and also respect our parents..they are the ones giving us the life to this world.

hmm...those words are the ones come into my mind after i watch the reality show about the family problems in problems are main social concerns in here..especially for this little country. the government is trying to emphasize family values. they attempt to promote the importance of these values and illustrate the essence of family bonding.

perhaps for ppl who don't stay or live in spore, they don't know the fact that singapore gangs are quite common and the members are mostly young people, to be specific teenagers. many parents aren't aware that their children are members of some cases they don't do anything even they are aware of this fact.
some of the parents attempt to put their children in "rehabiliation" centres.
yup..these centres are quite common for singaporean parents. not only those who are involved in drug abuse and similar cases.but also for those are involved in gangs.

but the show i mentioned above told us another story how singaporean parents put their children in the centre becauses they claim that the children can't be controlled they go the court to get "personal protection order" and put away the children to be taught about disciplines and stuff.

it's the first time, i heard how the government has to violence/domestic abuse perhaps is the more common case. but protection from your own children .. the first time i ever heard...

it makes me to wonder: have family values been forgotten in this modern world??I guess some people have forgotten..these singaporean families are just one example.definitely there are many similar cases that i haven't heard before....

one thing to note: i'm thankful my wonderful parents .. although they are not perfect parents. nevertheless i am grateful for what they have done and given to me during my lifetime..

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Ikan Kecil

'Maaf kawan,' kata seekor ikan laut kepada seekor temannya yang lain.
'Anda lebih tua dan lebih berpengalaman daripada saya. Dimanakah saya dapat menemukan laut ? Saya sudah mencarinya di mana-mana, tetapi sia-sia saja !'

'Laut.' kata ikan yang lebih tua, 'Adalah tempat engkau berenang sekarang ini'.
'Ha ? ini hanya air saja ! Yang kucari adalah laut.' sangkal ikan yang muda.
Dengan perasaan sangat kecewa ia pergi mencarinya di tempat lain.

Ia datang menghadap sang Guru dengan mengenakan jubah sannyasi.
Ia pun berbicara dalam bahasa sannyasi : 'Sudah bertahun-tahun lamanya aku mencari Tuhan. Telah kutinggalkan rumahku dan telah kucari Dia di mana pun Dia berada.
Kata orang, Dia ada di puncak-puncak gunung, di tengah-tengah padang gurun,
dalam keheningan biara-biara dan di dalam gubuk-gubuk kaum miskin.'

'Apakah engkau telah menemukanNya ?' tanya sang Guru.
'Aku menipu diri, aku pendusta kalau aku menjawab 'Ya'.
Belum, aku belum menemukanNya, Bapak sudah ?'

Apa yang dikatakan sang Guru kepadanya ? Cahaya keemasan matahari senja menembus celah-celah kamar. Ratusan burung gereja berterbangan dari sebuah pohon
beringin di luar sambil berkicau riang. Samar-samar terdengar deru kendaraan di jalan raya. Seekor nyamuk berdengung di dekat telinga, memberi petanda siap menggigit....
Namun demikian, orang itu masih tetap duduk tepekur dan berkata,
bahwa ia belum menemukan Tuhan dan masih mencari-cariNya.

Sesudah menunggu sejenak, ia pun meninggalkan sang Guru
dengan perasaan kecewa. Ia pergi mencariNya di tempat lain.

Anthony De Mello SJ

last nite was a total sleepless night

i just finished my worst ever paper.
it's the chemical kinetics n reactor design...huehuhu

i studied till 5.40am despite the fact i would sit for the paper at 9am. I tried to get a short sleep but guess wat? I couldn't have a short sleeping time ..not even 1 hour sleep. so i did my paper just now in half dazing..
my brain is splitted into two: sleeping and trying to digest the question.
it took a full 5 minutes to understand one long sentence of the question.
perhaps it's still okay for other paper.
but nay nay..for this paper.i'm supposed to be fully awake and able to relate all the formulas i have been taught.

but if trying to remember all the formulas.
it can take up 4 days and nights...imagine that this module is actually 2 modules combined into one..and one of them is level 4 module-meaning for year 4.
hue..the idea of memorising the formulas is not a good option.
so i must keep flipping the notes just now to find the formulas that i must use.
and guess what...i was so sleepy..not even aware that i kept taking the wrong notes....hue...gawat neh...

though i was sleepy just now..
at least i'm now more awake...coz i have just eaten my lunch =P
and going to library now to study with my friend..
still have 3 more papers to go..

*praying other papers won't be so bad*

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

another story

Crack Pot

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.

At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work,and you don't get full value from your efforts, the pot said.

The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?
That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've watered them.

For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."

Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. Remember to appreciate all the different people in your life.

Monday, April 25, 2005

A poem

Mencari Di Tempat Yang Salah

Seorang tetangga melihat Nasruddin berjongkok di halaman sambil mencari sesuatu.
'Apa yang sedang Anda cari, Mullah?' 'Kunciku yang hilang.'
Dua-duanya terus berjongkok mencari kunci yang hilang itu.
Sebentar kemudian tetangga itu bertanya:'Di mana kuncimu yang hilang?''Di rumah.'
'Astaga! Lantas mengapa Anda mencarinya di sini?'
'Karena di sini lebih terang.'

Apa gunanya mencari Tuhan di tempat-tempat suci,
kalau Ia sudah tidak bersemayam lagi di dalam hatiku?

Anthony De Mello SJ

another shopping and a sleepless night

now is my exam week and i have trouble to sleep as usual.
i can't sleep though my eyes are really tired. lieing down on my bed for 3 hours and yet still can't sleep. so i decided to "wake up" and write sth...
argh..i hate it when i can't sleep during exam weeks..
this is the time i desperately need a regular sleeping time n
yet always find trouble to sleep the night before my paper or anytime i get anxious with the coming paper.
i have 4 more papers to go: 3 papers this week n the last paper on next tue.
then after that is freedom for the next 12 weeks..hehehe

actually i wanted to apply for vacation internship during the break
then i received news from the hostel management office that i got move to another block if i wanna stay in hostel during the whole holidays..
hue..the idea of moving my stuff to another room doesn't sound the room allocated is not the AC room.not i'm so spoiled..need an AC room all the time
but try to stay in PGP non AC room during the hot will feel the need to take a shower every hour..the weather is so humid n hot..hue..
i felt it during the first year staying in PGP n had enough of it.
that's why i decided to move to the AC room this year..
whover design the PGP buildings are not using their brains
first: none of the rooms has normal shape. either it has so many corners/useless alcove or it has trapezium shape..
second: can we have bigger windows please??
third: the width of the bookshelfs are about 80cm only and only have 2 racks..
erm...we are uni students here n most of the textbooks are at least 600-800pages less than a year my bookshelf is fully occupied..
so never think that PGP is a superb residence because it looks pretty impressive from outside..but not the inside

btw, yesterday i went for another little shopping.
why i called "little" shopping ...coz i did it less that 2 hours..hehehe.usu my shopping can take whole yesterday one is considered very short.
two weeks ago was the first one- i bought 2 skirts.can imagine..i haven't bought any skirts for the last one i decided to get one..
plus im starting to get sick of wearing pants everyday to go out..
so yesterday i bought 2 pairs of earings. they are quite cheap coz only accesories.
i started to collect earings last semester after watching how one pair of earings can change a person's look dramatically...
hmm...i decided to get one n can see the effect on myself..hehehe

okay...till the next update from me =)

~trying to get some sleep now

Sunday, April 24, 2005

hehehe..just taking pic after mass Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 23, 2005

water pollution

yeah...though i haven't finished all the exam papers
one is down today!!...yeah...
it's the water pollution paper..
yup, it's water pollution. so i learn about the impact, treatments used and usu for engine students. the calculations are everywhere..
after learning about the steps needed to clean only a small amount polluted i really appreciate how hard it is to treat wastewater.
though i think ppl in indo never bother to treat their wastewater.just take a look to the those greeny, black river will get the imagination.. don't wanna know what are inside the water
i think if i bring one tube of sample, my lecturer will be shocked how can this higly polluted water is discharged to the river water..
simple answer: no environmental regulations that are obeyed..hahaha

talking about the env regulations,
i had an incident about this few days ago
i was having lunch with my classmate n one guy approched us, asking whether he can join in our table - we were sitting in 4-seat table though only there were only 2 of greedy we are..
then nothing special lah...until my classmate n i started to discuss the lecture notes-this water pollution module- n started to talk..why the water effluent in this question can't be discharged n bla bla...

i was simply eating my lunch n discuss abt the exam topics..not aware that the guy who was sitting to us..was listening a bit to our conversation..
he started to ask what major we are in..then was pretty impressed to know we are taking major in environmental engineering..yeah..another person who was "impressed" to this term..coz never heard it before??
yup..then he continued on how the developing countries actually don't bother to take care of the environmental damage n bla bla...
n the best part is that : he Offered his name card so we can contact him if we wanna take part in environmental project..
what that's so cool!!..he n his collegue are actually doing some projects regarding environmental conditions in the developing countries....
meaning: it can be my part time job...isn't it more cool that other normal part time jobs..where actually we can get hand on the real working experience related to our!!

no regard to have him joining us for lunch..hehehe...

okay..time to rest n later must continue studying for other papers...four more to go!!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

with my buyo sensei Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

the yukata, the one i usually wear for practise Posted by Hello

fujimusume dancer with full costume Posted by Hello

a tiring day

....monday...i don't like monday...
coz it signifies the beginning of another week..
but today another special day. my japanese dance sensei is singapore now till tommorow and i spent almost the whole with her today..
she is such a nice lady n can be very serious when is teaching..and usu expect more from the senior's students..n i happen to be one of them.

after so many hours, i managed to learn the whole dance-a kabuki dance-named "fujimusume"-the meaning is wisteria(fuji) maiden. it's a beautiful dance and often performed in many events esp those events to introduce the japanese kabuki dance..
but...erm...the dance is not very easy..firstly it's 15 minutes of dance..and none of the steps are repeated. but the worst is that the position of your knees throughout the dance...half-bending n bend your toes inward-like that way japanese women walk...
hoe...even after 1.5 year learning jap dance, i still get musle aches everytime i practise more that 4 hours..n imagine today i practised up to the 7 hours

since i can manage to remember more or less the whole dance, my sensei is so happy
and asked me to try the real kimono that professional dancers are wearing for performances - usu i only wear yukata . a one-layer summer kimono.
so it's pretty think though it's thicker than normal clothes
hue..usu my whole body laready sweats when only using the yukata
the kimono that usually used for performance is much thicker and made of silk
plus much longer .so long that likes it has train and to weigh down the train.
hue..the moment i put on the kimono..i can feel at least another 2 kg is added into my it has the long sleeves-similar to those worn by geisha-
i almost can't walk properly in the first 10 minutes and keep stepping on the train all the the obi-sash-used to tie the kimono wraps around the whole torso.i almost couldn't breathe already...
erm...and she wants me to wear again tommorow, hope i can survive tom...

and an accident happened to me today.
boiling water splashed on my fingers when i wanted to get some hot water.. my middle finger a bit swollen..but at least it is my left hand..
i need my right hand to hold pens and most importantly to hold the fan..

Note: i post along the sample of kimono and yukata

Sunday, April 03, 2005

a resting saturday

that's the only activities i have been doing for the whole saturday..i tried to open my eyes..but hehehe,once i started to read my eyes getting sleepy =P...very usual of me
so i decided to go for sunset mass this evening instead of going to sunday i wanna pray for the Pope, my church leader.

I have been following his news closely since he was admitted to hospital last feb.
even though i know he has parkinson's disease,i didn't expect he will be weakened so fast,his determination to continue on his papacy is very strong.
May the Lord's powers be with him...
he is the only pope i know and have heard all the great things he has done.i could say that he opens the catholic religion to the world...our religion often receives comment to be a secretive n old-fashioned bla bla..
For me who have been growing in catholic religion since childhood,
i never feel that how strict or old-fashioned is catholic, i enjoy doing all the religious practise and that's the way i find the strength to face the challenges in my life.
anyway, every one may has different opinions how to lead his/her religious can't really force someone to follow the way you practise your religion

okay, back to my daily life
hue...just realise how long since i enjoyed myself and had fun
i missed several outings so far and ony attended class outing..
but i really can't afford this semester..
when my friend asked whether i have finished all the projects n assignments and i replied .. one down,others are coming..
he couldn't believe- "how can you such unending series of works"...
hmm..i wish that i don't have it also...
but this semester i still try to catch up more modules,
so i can take less modules in my last year in uni.. i must suffer first before can "relax" later on..though not really relax..
coz no one can relax during the final year..hehehe

okay..i should go back to my study..or should i say..
trying to concentrate on my works...hehehe

~working endlessly

Friday, April 01, 2005

hiks...i forgot all about the homeworks

hua...only yesterday before i wanted to sleep.
my friend reminded that we have 4 homeworks for next week, excluding the 2 projects.this is what kind of life we have in nus ...
so can guess that again this weekend i will be stuck in my room..thanks to the h/w..
hehehehe..the good thing is that i spend less money..since i stay in my room most of the days this shopping or eating outside..
really longing for the last of my exams.. n holidays...

oh ya, the result for my room's application is out already
im really curious to find out the result...but i can't open the website since don't know whether i still can stay in campus or not for next sem
hopefully i get a room in's better for me..than staying outside campus.
now i have been used to stay so close to uni..
only need less than 15 minutes to reach my classroom...

today, i felt a bit embarrased because my lecturer noticed i was late this morning..i woke up earlier at 9am(the lecture starts at 10am)..but i still felt so sleepy.
so i went to sleep again..and as usual i overslept..
then the lecturer with his smile commented" eh, you just came is it? i didn't see you earlier"..hue hue...i only could only reply "yup, i overslept"...
erm...i know i'm late..but please don't give that comment...embarrassed me ^_^'